Clouds of discord
threaten to darken
the Fatemi horizon
From the Madina
of Taiyeb Imam (SA)
Sun has risen
Of Fifty third Dai
Whose Fair Name
is Maula Khuzaima
Fair of Face
Whose Glory Sublime
Noorun Ala Noor
He dispels darkness (of Jaaheliyat)
bestows life giving
knowledge that heals!
He is indeed
Anharun mim Maa in Gaire Aasesin
Making hearts rejoice.
Those who oppose
Aqa Taher’s (AQ) Beloved
will be doomed
Truth will prevail
In Qutbuddin Maula (tus)
Imam’s divine Aayat!
Once again Saifedeen
come amongst us
As Qutbedeen Maula!
We answer Him
and pledge lives
to Him forever
Long live Maula!
continue to bless
His adoring worshippers.
Amate Syedonal Min’aam (tus)
Zahra Ja’alto Fidaka
Ummi’s poem
A Star is born
Maula You are our Father
You are kindness and mercy
Your shaan is like no other.
Maula please guide us
We leave our fate in your hands
You are Master of destinies.
Maula You have power to resurrect
As Essa Maseeh did
Your greatness is unfathomable
Truly beyond comparison
May You live long Maula(tus)
spreading Fatemi Da’wat like
the rays of sunshine.