From childhood we saw Daddy in Khidmat of Mazoon MaulaTUS, I used to come for qadambosi during childhood, then once Mazoon Maula Surat akela padhaara and I did talaqqi at Zaini Bungalow and it was for the first time I interacted with Mazoon Maula. Baisaheba had not come with Mazoon Maula, and Mazoon Maula instructed both of us Juzer bhai & myself in adjusting the bed and furniture for his comfort. From that day I got more attached and that bonding increased year after year. I did not take any major decision in my life without the guidance and raza of Mazoon Maula:
- After 12 standard I opted for B.Sc. then I wanted to do computer course and I could not make up mind that whether I should do it in Mumbai or in Surat. That time Mazoon Maula was at bedrest due to back pain but Maula gave time and listened to my araz and farmaayu ke I should do my course in Surat.
- I met [my wife] M and liked her and I came with her to Mazoon Maula at Saifee Mahal and after Maula’s approval and raza I proposed to her. After few months she said no, and asked me to tell to my parents that ‘I dislike her’. I was confused, and Bhabhi did araz to Baisaheba, who discussed it with Mazoon Maula. Em farmaayu ke ‘tamay je sahi chhe te kaho, em kahi do ke M ni marzi nathi. Em na kaho ke tamaari marzi nathi.’ A few months later during iftitah of Masjid-e-Moazzam at Surat, M’s Dadasaab called and asked that M is ready to meet me; she came, we got married and are happy. If I had told lies that I dislike M, we could have never met again even when she felt that she had taken a wrong decision [in saying no to me].
- Regarding farzand, after marriage almost 2 years passed, M could not conceive. I wanted to do araz but could not, Mazoon Maula himself asked that M ne farzand kem nathi. Aap ye doa farmaavi and – I don’t remember exactly but – paani ya to nariyal par shifa boli and M conceived. After so many years recently we came to know during sonography that M has some internal problem and in such a case to conceive is difficult without proper treatment. But due to Aqa Maula & Mazoon Maula’s doa we have our son. During his delivery, M suffered from high pressure and at the last minute there were lot of complications and she had to be operated for delivery, that time also I had called Juzer bhai to do araz in hazrat of Mazoon Maula, and due to doa everything turned out well.
- I was given an opportunity to become President of an NGO, Junior Chamber International, Surat Chapter but I was confused because I thought I would not be able to manage our business and this responsibility. I did araz in the car on the highway, when Mazoon Maula stopped the car for namaz. Maula ye farmaayu ke ‘tamnay banvu joye’. I again did araz ke aawte saal, to farmaayu ke ‘na, aaj varas ma.’ That was Aqa Maula’s 100th milad year and the golden jubilee, 50 years, of our Surat Chapter. The golden jubilee year went well nice, Chapter won a lot of Awards due to outstanding performance during my tenure as President, even won the National Award at Hyderabad, where I went to meet Mazoon Maula in Secunderabad, jahaan aap ye Ashara kida tha. All the izzat which I gained is due to Mazoon Maula’s doa and guidance to accept the post that particular year.
- In business once I was upset due to debt, about 13-14 years back. I called up Abdeali bhaisaheb and Mazoon Maula gave me tasbeeh which I am doing till today. Due to doa the creditors are till today supplying the materials even though still our dues are not completely cleared. Today also I have started Travel Business, Real Estate Agent and developed Label printing business used in packing/barcode, all with raza and doa of Mazoon Maula.
Mazoon Maula when alone, ‘aap ni shaan no jalvo azeem’ personality is so powerful, but when with Aqa MaulaTUS, Mazoon Maula sits so humbly. There is perfect tuning between Aqa Maula and Mazoon Maula, that I have seen many times during namaz at Masjid-e-Moazzam, Surat. After namaz the parda of qibla are closed, and Mazoon Maula continues to pray namaz, and at right time when Aqa MaulaTUS padharwano time thai aap namaz tamam karay. It seems as if Mazoon Maula gets an intuition that Aqa Maula qibla ma si padhaarse.
[Contributed by Muffadal Bhai Hydermota on 4 Jan 2014]